Together with the Technical University Munich, the University of Architecture
Grenoble (CRATerre - ENSAG), the International Union of Architects (UIA), the
city of Gmunden and the brick factory EDER, BASEhabitat launched for the
first time an international summer school on modern earthen structures.
29 participants from 17 countries from all over the world came to work with
raw erath.
The enthusiasm and commitment of the participants led to the creattion of
this network and a manifesto for building with earth.
TO CONTRIBUTE, please register at >> twoday.net <<
Together with the Technical University Munich, the University of Architecture
Grenoble (CRATerre - ENSAG), the International Union of Architects (UIA), the
city of Gmunden and the brick factory EDER, BASEhabitat launched for the
first time an international summer school on modern earthen structures.
29 participants from 17 countries from all over the world came to work with
raw erath.
The enthusiasm and commitment of the participants led to the creattion of
this network and a manifesto for building with earth.
TO CONTRIBUTE, please register at >> twoday.net <<
clemensq - 23. Sep, 17:24